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Bittersweet Sunsets

*Cliche alert* They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s a couple of thousand words. The sun is very much setting on this school year. With only ~16 days left, it is certainly a bittersweet ending. But the thing about endings is that it always means a new beginning. But there aren’t always the words that can convey the meaning, the depth of emotion, that you and I feel. Even the word bittersweet seems inadequate. Yes, it seems to be a rather fitting word for the situation, but it fails. Because my bittersweet means so much more than time moving on, and mixed emotions of happiness and sadness. My bittersweet means Jill crying on the bus as it pulled out of the elementary school on the last day of 5th grade. It’s the sign welcoming me to South Dakota as I drive away from my home, it’s the chalky hugs that I got from my teammates on my last day, it’s the final hug of summer’s bliss before the leaves fall and school starts. It’s a word has so much more than any other word....

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