10 Ways to Spice Up Your Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of my favorite breakfasts to have! It is high in carbohydrates, fiber, and a host of other health benefits. It is a great source of energy that keeps me going all day. However, a lot of people have the misconception that oatmeal can be boring. But, there are so many toppings/mix-ins that you can use, that the options and combinations are practically endless. Below are just a few of my favorite toppings/mix-ins that I love to use to spice up my oatmeal!

  1. Nut Butter
I personally love any type of nut butter: almond, peanut, cashew, tahini, macadamia, etc. If you name it, I’ll probably like it. Putting nut butter on your oatmeal is like sprinkling a little bit of heaven on it. I’m not kidding, the creaminess and (of course) nuttiness, adds so much to your regular oatmeal. It also provides a great source of healthy fats, along with protein to keep your brain going and stomach satiated.

  1. Fresh/Frozen Fruit
Now it wouldn’t quite be oatmeal if we didn’t include some sort of fruit! A lot of people might feel as if they have to use fresh berries like blueberries or strawberries, but the possibilities are endless. Some of my favorite fruit to top my oatmeal off include, apples (especially since they are in season right now), bananas, figs, blackberries, strawberries, and pears. I really enjoy adding whatever fruit I find at the farmers market or what is in season. This way you know you are getting the freshest, and best produce! I also wanted to include frozen fruit, because when it comes winter time and fruit prices go up, frozen fruit is a great option to keep the costs low while still getting your fruit!

  1. Cinnamon
I pretty much add this to my oatmeal every time I make it… :) Cinnamon is a great spice to add because it gives a touch of sweetness along with some major flavor. In addition, cinnamon is a great source of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. Of course, cinnamon isn’t the only spice you can use. I personally love to switch it up with cardamom, nutmeg, or basil, just to name a few.

  1. Yogurt
There’s nothing better than combining two beloved breakfasts: yogurt and oatmeal. Yogurt is a great way to add protein, calcium, and probiotics to your breakfast. However, when you go to buy yogurt, be careful that you get one without tons of added sugar because many companies love to add sweeteners to their yogurt. I also choose ones that have probiotic strains in them ‘cause you can’t forget to take care of your gut! Topping your oatmeal with a couple scoops of yogurt gives it some extra creaminess and brings it to a whole new level!


  1. Coconut
I love coconut as a way to add a tropical feel to your oatmeal. It is a good source of healthy fats and fiber. It’s also a great source of zinc and iron! I love to just sprinkle some coconut over my oatmeal to give it some texture. Although I don’t use coconut every day, it’s a great topping if you love the coconut flavor.

  1. Seeds/Nuts
Another one of my favorite toppings… There are so many different types of nuts and seeds. I love to add chia seeds because they are super high in protein, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, and fiber. If you add some water to your chia seeds they become almost gelatinous and are great to add to your oatmeal. Some other of my favorite seeds/nuts include hemp seeds (high in protein, and Omega 3 and 6), pepitas (raw pumpkin seeds), and hazelnuts. There’s such a wide variety of nuts and seeds so you will never get bored!

  1. Granola
Ahh, granola... This has often been labeled as an unhealthy food due to it usually being high in fat and sugar. However, if you make your own or buy granola without those added sugars, it makes a great topping. I especially love to top overnight oats with granola as it provides an extra crunch!

  1. Eggs
Yes, you can put eggs on your oatmeal, or even in your oatmeal! Eggs provide a great source of protein and are full of essential nutrients. On days where I want some extra protein, I’ll add some egg whites into my oatmeal, or I’ll top it off with an egg. Adding an egg is a great way to make your oats savory if you aren’t feeling the sweet breakfasts in the morning!

  1. Veggies
Okay I know, this seems super strange to be putting veggies into your oatmeal, but trust me, it’s good. Now I haven’t tried putting things like broccoli or mushrooms, but a select number of vegetables go really well in oatmeal. My favorites are carrots (makes them taste like carrot cake), zucchini, and cauliflower. Now the key to putting vegetables in your oatmeal is that you want to either grate them or chop them super fine. Adding vegetables into your oatmeal is a great way to add volume and a ton of nutrients. I highly recommend you try this if you’ve never tried it before!

  1. Cacao Powder
Of course, there’s nothing like better than a bowl of chocolate oatmeal to make the start of your day so much better. I love to use some cacao powder, but don’t forget to add some sort of sweetener, whether honey, agave, or maple syrup, otherwise your oatmeal will taste very powdery from the unsweetened chocolate. Cacao powder is super high in antioxidants and helps your heart health, plus it tastes like chocolate, for breakfast!!

I hope everyone gives these toppings a try and let me know if you like them, or what your favorite way to top your oatmeal is!


  1. This is a really fun idea for a blog... personally I do not prefer oatmeal but the way you described new flavors to add makes me want to give it another try.

  2. This was a very interesting blog! I eat oatmeal for breakfast every single morning, and get tired of just adding maple syrup. Cacao and coconut sound like really interesting and creative alternatives. I also really enjoyed how you added in health benefits. Very informative!


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